Cyber Security

Cyber threat protection Solutions offered
Fraud Prevention and Phishing Solutions
  • Anti-Phishing
  • Anti-SMiShing, Anti-Vishing, Anti-Pharming
  • Anti-Malware
  • Brand Protection
  • Data Loss Recovery

Real Time Monitoring & Pro-active Detection
  • Propriety Technologies developed by iZOOlogic
  • Real time analysis of malicious data
  • Data mining the internet for cybercrime threats
  • intelliCODE – pro-active and seamless end user protection

Global Security Incident Response
  • 24x7 Integrated and seamless Incident Response
  • Online portal – Threat Intelligence Incident Management and Reporting
  • Analysts work exclusively on cybercrime fraud Incident Response
  • Malware Laboratory dedicated to client malware threat analysis
  • Threat Intelligence > Global Visibility into emerging threats